Hmong PEG Meeting
- Pizza dinner shared with families
- Hmong PEG homework collected and prizes distributed, new homework passed out.
- Eggrolls
- Thanks to all who helped out with eggrolls for carnival.
- They sold out quickly……maybe we should make more next year?
- Randall Forward Testing
- Next week Tuesday and Wednesday morning
- After Spring Break
- Tell children to do their best, get enough rest, and be relaxed
- OMGE Department Audit
- Meeting for parents to come to share feedback
- Share how the language program is going in schools (how are kids doing?, enough support?, etc.)
- Tuesday, March 19th 5:30-7:00 at Thoreau Elementary
- Franklin Music Concert on Friday, March 15th
- Kindergarten at 8:00
- First Grade at 9:00
- Second Grade 10:00
- Randall Talent Show
- April 18th
- Students fill out sheet with their talent
- Bayview Announcements
- Outside recess everyday
- Bring coat, snow pants, boots, and extra shoes
- Homework support only on Mondays
- Kids can still choose to do homework the other days Tuesday-Friday
Health Presentation: Nurse Lovell
- Viruses can’t be treated with medicine
- Bacteria like strep throat or pneumonia can be treated with antibiotics
- Deadly viruses like measles: vaccines protect us
3 ways germs spread:
- Air
- When a person sneezes and doesn’t cover, it goes the length of three elephants through the air
- Cover with arm not hand
- Sickness that spread through the air: common cold or flu
- Touch
- T-zone (eyes, nose, and mouth)
- Try not to touch T-zone to stay healthy
- Wash hands well
- Experiment with lotion and blacklight to simulate germs and washing hands
- How to wash your hands: get hands wet, get soap and stay out of the water, rub (soap helps germs slip off), wash hands for 20 seconds (ABC’s two times), spider fingers, bear claws (get under fingernails)
- Washing hands prevents illnesses
- Body Fluids
- Blood (wear gloves, don’t touch other people’s blood)
Overall lesson: Wash hands well and don’t touch the T-zone
Next meeting: April 10, 2019