Lice: What we do at school

Teachers try to encourage children not to share hats, combs, etc. and to have children avoid head-to-head contact.  If a teacher suspects a student has lice (itching head lots, nits seen in hair—about the size & shape of a sesame seed that don’t just brush off), the teacher sends the student to the Health Office for a check.

If you find lice on your child at home, please let the health office know so that close school playmates and locker partners can be checked.  If we in the Health Office find lice (or nits/eggs) OR hear from a parent/guardian that a student was treated at home, we follow the school district guidelines:

  • We will send the student home at the end of the school day with a treatment letter (i.e. how to get rid of lice) and discuss treatment with their parent/guardian, or verify that the student was already treated.
  • We will ask that student’s teacher to send to the Health Office for an inspection any students who sit close or play often with the child who has lice. We never screen an entire classroom since studies show it does not significantly effect the incidence of lice in school and may violate a child’s privacy.
  • Except for very unusual circumstances, we will NOT send home letters with every student in their class. We used to do this, but there is no evidence to support that sending letters home prevents lice transmission and may be a violation of privacy and confidentiality. 
  • We will ask the custodians to vacuum carpeted or fabric surfaces in that child’s classroom before the next school day.
  • We will recheck that student after treatment and in 7–14 days to make sure the lice are gone (i.e. no more live lice, and no increase in nits).

Please free to call or email me with any questions or concerns. Best wishes!

Nurse Lovell