5-2-1-0 Challenge Results

5-2-1-0 Challenge

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 5-2-1-0 Challenge!! Almost 50% of students (with the help of supportive families and teachers), and staff earned points over the last 2 weeks by making healthy eating and activity choices.

The Franklin Falcons earned 75,393 points!
4K earned 6,306 points
K earned 20,939 points
1st grade earned 27,019 points
2nd grade earned 21,219 points

Amy Turkowskis’s class earned the highest average of total points at Franklin (470.8)!

(Special shout out to Amy Turkowski whose class had 100% participation!)

The Randall Raccoons earned 56,999 points!
3rd grade earned 19,833 points
4th grade earned 16,015.5 points
5th grade earned 21,150.5 points

Kristen Beshay’s class earned the highest average of total points at Randall (461.9)!

(Special shout out to Kristin Faber who earned ALL possible points in the 5-2-1-0 Challenge!)

Classes with the highest average in specific categories each week won a dance party, extra recess, or samples great for sleepovers (mini-flossers and toothpastes):

FRANKLIN: Week 1 / Week 2
Fruits & Veggies: Loken / Daines AM
Screen time: Gunn / Rowe
Physical Activity: Dominguez / Turkowski
Drinks w/o Sugar: Gunn / Viner AM & PM
Mindfulness: Miller / Turkowski
Most participation: Turkowski / Turkowski

RANDALL: Week 1 / Week 2
Fruits & Veggies: Beshay / Rumpf
Screen time: Beshay / Rumpf
Physical Activity: Navin / Navin
Drinks w/o Sugar: Shorette / Watters
Mindfulness: Langer / Langer
Most participation: Faber / Spiegel

THANKS to EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS on University Ave for donating Pineapple Pops to the classes with the highest total average of points at each school.

This 5-2-1-0 Challenge wouldn’t be possible without supportive principals and families, engaging teachers, eager students, and LOTS of volunteers. Special thanks to:
• Parent volunteers who tallied points, counted give-aways, helped with bulletin boards and/or solicited the prizes: Milda Aksamitauskas, Arin Berkon, Sojin Chi, Jennifer Darling , Kristina Espinoza, Scott Hackel, Jessica McCann, Nicole Novak, Liz Preston, Kathi Seiden-Thomas, and Ann Sydnor
• UW Students from Dietetics & Nutrition Club and Edgewood College nursing students (and their professor) who taught some classes about 5-2-1-0
• Rick Deming (Mandy’s dad) for samples of flossers & tooth paste
• Staff at Healthy Kids Collaborative of Dane County for their support, and specifically Connor Enright for arranging the UW Health 5-2-1-0 truck to visit our schools

If you have any neat stories from the Challenge or suggestions for next year, please let me know!

During the 5-2-1-0 Challenge, chocolate milk (which has over 4 extra tsp of sugar in it) consumption went down by 10-20%, depending on the school (and the drinking of 1% white milk went up).

Good job everybody! Keep exercising and making good nutrition choices!

5-2-1-0 Challenge / Reto

Felicitaciones a todos los que participaron en el evento de ejercicio y buena nutrición llamado,
5-2-1-0 Challenge / Reto. Durante dos semanas, los alumnos, con la ayuda de padres y maestros, juntaron puntos por comer comida nutritiva y hacer ejercicio.

¡Los alumnos de Franklin juntaron 75,393 puntos!
4K 6,306 puntos
K 20,939 pointspuntos
1 27,019 puntos
2 21,219 puntos

La clase de Amy Turkowski obtuvo el promedio más alto de puntos totales en Franklin (470.8)!

(Una porra para el salón de la maestra Amy Turkowski por tener 100% de participación!.)

¡Los alumnos de Randall juntaron 56,999 puntos!
3 19,833 puntos
4 16,015.5 puntos
5 21,150.5 puntos

La clase de Kristen Beshay obtuvo el promedio más alto de puntos totales en Randall (461.9)!

(Una porra para la maestra Kristin Faber por sacar la puntuación mas alta possible!)

Las clases con el promedio más alto en categorías específicas cada semana ganaron una fiesta de baile, recreo extra, o muestras grandes para sleepovers (mini-flossers y dentífricos):


FRANKLIN: Semana 1 / Semana 2
Fruits & Veggies: Loken / Daines AM
Screen time: Gunn / Rowe
Physical Activity: Dominguez / Turkowski
Drinks w/o Sugar: Gunn / Viner AM & PM
Mindfulness: Miller / Turkowski
Most participation: Turkowski / Turkowski

RANDALL: Semana 1 / Semana 2
Fruits & Veggies: Beshay / Rumpf
Screen time: Beshay / Rumpf
Physical Activity: Navin / Navin
Drinks w/o Sugar:  Shorette / Watters
Mindfulness: Langer / Langer
Most participation: Faber / Spiegel

GRACIAS A LOS SIGUIENTES NEGOCIOS POR LOS PREMIOS QUE DONARON PARA LOS ESTUDIANTES: Edible Arrangements en University Ave. por donar paletas de pina fresca para el salón de clases ganador.

Este reto no hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo de nuestros directores, familias, dedicados maestros, entusiasmados alumnos y MUCHOS voluntarios. Gracias a:
• Padres voluntarios que contaron puntos, solicitaron premios y coordinaron su distribucion:
Milda Aksamitauskas, Arin Berkon, Sojin Chi, Jennifer Darling , Kristina Espinoza, Scott Hackel, Jessica McCann, Nicole Novak, Liz Preston, Kathi Seiden-Thomas, and Ann Sydnor
• Alumnos de la Universidad de Madison del Club de Dieta y Nutricion y alumnos del Departamento de Enfermeria de Edgewood College (y su profesor) quienes dieron unas clases acerca de 5-2-1-0
• Rick Deming (el padre de Mandy) por los donativos de flos y pasta dental
• Personal de Healthy Kids Collaborative of Dane County por su apoyo y en especial a Connor Enright por coordinar la visita del camion de UW Health 5-2-1-0 a nuestra escuela.

¡Si tienen alguna idea de cómo mejorar este programa el año que entra, por favor comuníquese conmigo!

Durante el Reto 5-2-1-0, bajo un 10 a 20% el consumo de la leche de chocolate en nuestra escuela (esta leche contiene 4 cucharadas mas de azucar) y aumento el consumo de leche natural.

¡Adios a todos! ¡Sigan haciendo ejercicio y comiendo bien!