Thank you for those of you that were able to attend our in person viewing of Screenagers: Elementary Age Edition. It was also lovely to be able to have an open, vulnerable, and supportive conversation with so many afterwards.
If you were unable to attend, you were missed BUT there’s good news! We found out that we were able to get access to a two week virtual viewing of the movie.
This link will only be available from December 15-December 28. You will need to “register” for the event which will send you a unique link to view the film. The movie is about 55 minutes long and while it could be interesting to some children, it may not hold the attention of our youngest learners. We did have a middle schooler present for the in person viewing of the film and we got very positive reviews and helpful insight from them so perhaps some of your older learners would be interested in watching with you.
During our conversation at the live event, the hope for a list of prosocial video games (as mentioned in the film) was discussed. The Screenagers Movie website had a curated list to look through as a starting point. For a full list of resources, please visit
Additionally, here is a copy of the parent handout that was provided at the screening for some quick resource references.
Thank you again for your participation in this discussion and fostering a sense of community so we can share our struggles, hopes, and solutions in hopes of empowering us to parent in a way around technology that promotes the mental well-being of our children.