PTO School Community Meeting Night
October 11, 2022
Tuesday, October 11th
PTO Community meeting: 6:45 - 8:00 p.m.
PTO Board meeting: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Franklin School Library & Zoom
Pizza & Childcare provided for the Community meeting -- RSVP!
We'd love for you to join us on October 11th at 6:45 p.m. to learn about the new reading curriculum that is being implemented at Franklin and Randall this year. We are excited to have an instructional coach from both Randall and Franklin who will be presenting and answering any questions we may have. The meeting will also include PTO and principal updates.
We would like to offer pizza and child care for this meeting, so you can attend and not worry about dinner or finding someone to watch your children. Please help us plan by filling out the RSVP form.
The monthly PTO board meeting will be held earlier the same night from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. The agenda will include membership votes to approve the annual PTO budget and to elect new board members Cristina Hanzlik and Soumya Palreddy as Fundraising Co-chairs. The full agenda will be posted closer to the meeting. All are welcome and encouraged to attend!