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Healthy children learn better. Healthy teachers are happier. Healthy families grow stronger.
The Franklin-Randall PTO Wellness Committee was formed in 2014-2015 by a group of staff and families who are working together to support the wellness needs of all Franklin and Randall students, families and staff. We are committed to developing multiple and tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of our community.
Activities to date include:
Needs Assessment and Identification of Resources
– To learn the needs of our community, we met with staff and administration, conducted a survey of all staff and families (180 responses) and completed The Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s assessment tool.
– At the same time, we identified resources through participation in school wellness trainings and conferences and outreach to school wellness organizations
Completed Activities
– “Move to Learn” Movement Stations and Video (supported by PTO grant)
– Classroom Activity “Brain Break” Kits for every classroom teacher and interested other staff
– Spring Fitness Challenge “5-2-1-0 Let’s Go!” (Click here to read Nurse Lovell’s article>)
– “Let Me Run” after school program for Randall boys (starting in 2016)
– Resource sharing with staff/community
– Speakers for Latino PEG on Family Health and PTO meeting on Mindfulness
To learn more about the committee, please take a look at the presentation provided to the PTO in May 2016. It includes a review of the history, recent activities and goals of our committee as well as the detailed results of the staff and family survey for each school.
Based on the top needs of our community, for 2016-2017 we will focus on projects that help to 1) increase physical activity and 2) provide opportunities to learn self-regulation/mindfulness.
With limited resources (e.g. volunteers, expertise, time, funding), we haven’t been able to focus on specific issues that are incredibly important to some of our families. If you have interest or expertise in a particular area of wellness, have questions, or would like to provide input, please contact the committee’s coordinators: Cindy Lovell, Franklin-Randall School Nurse at, or Kathi Seiden-Thomas, Franklin parent at