Latino PEG Meeting Report
October 27th, 2016
We kicked off the year with a well attended meeting. Only 3 families were not able to make it. John and Sylla gave a warm welcome to all the families! Teachers served the food and visited with the parents! We had many staff members present for this Kick off event!
Meeting started with a reminder of the purpose of these meetings:
- To Have a Two Way Communication
- To Inform and Learn
- To Empower
Agenda Items:
- Fall Fundraiser – Overview of campaign and of PTO supported programs. Parents were encouraged to send a donation if possible. Any amount counts! The next day after the meeting we received two small donations already!
- Snacks – Different classrooms snack procedures reviewed. Parents were informed of PTO Grant to support those families who need help with snacks.
- Field Trips – Send form signed without money if can’t afford to pay! We have scholarships. The important thing is that ALL students participate!
- Bus – Clarification: buses, bus drivers and attendants are not part of MMSD. MMSD contracts Badger Bus for transportation of students. Quick review of bus transit guidelines because parents had many questions and complaints this last few weeks. Parents received a card with Badger Bus number and name of person they can contact in Spanish, as well as Madison Police Dept. Public Safety’s phone number. Parents were asked to let us know if they need help communicating with Badger Bus or Police.
- Marvelous Math Morning, Randall’s Book Fair, Franklin/Randall & West High RESALE. Handouts distributed. Parents encouraged to attend and were asked to send requests of items needed from the RESALE event leftovers. We have already received some requests from parents. We are in contact with RESALE event coordinators.
- 3 Ways to Read a Book – Flyer handed out. Parents encouraged to read with children at home. A few parents mentioned their Franklin age children are doing this at home already 🙂
- Thanksgiving Baskets – All families are signed up.
- Empty Stocking Club – A few families still needed help to sign up.
- Conferences – Be ready. Be on time. Parents received the Conference Reminder sheet and were asked to write in any other topics or concerns they want to discuss during conference besides the ones mentioned on the sheet. The form also had a space to indicate if they wanted to set up a conference with any of the specials teachers. ALL parents turned in their form. Information has been passed along to teachers. Parents also received a copy of the simplified Social Emotional Learning Standards. They were asked to take them home and read them, and select 1 or 2 as a goal for their child, in preparation for their parent/teacher conference.
- Translations – As we try to be more in communication with our families in general (blogs, school messenger,) communication with our non English speaking families becomes more challenging…more information to translate. It is important to make sure ALL families have access to information at the same time. Franklin and Randall principals are aware of challenges and are developing more efficient translation guidelines. Parents were asked to fill out a short Newsletter translation survey. Results: 14 families would like a summary in Spanish of weekly newsletter or blog (no longer than 1 page), 2 families prefer the full complete translation of the news, and 3 families do not need translation (one of the parents reads English).
- Health & Wellness Committee – Last year’s survey results were reviewed. The top 2 categories Latino parents are interested in are, After School Programs (free), and Self-Regulation. No after school programs at Franklin/Randall. Some parents were asking about the “After School” program at Franklin/Randall. Clarification was made- Wisconsin Youth Company is NOT a free program. Fee information was given. Quick review of free after school programs available in the community: Bayview Club, MSCR, Boys and Girls Club, Centro Guadalupe, Neighborhood House. Many of our Latino students attend either Neighborhood House or Bayview. Schedules and programs reviewed. Parents very satisfied with both programs. Not happy with Boys and Girls Club.
- ESL Forms – Review of Parent Authorization Forms and ESL services. Parents received a Spanish copy of the ESL form they were asked to sign at the beginning of the year. This form includes the student’s English Level and description of services they will receive. Some of the questions answered, What does ESL mean? Who is considered an ESL student? What services do ESL students qualify for? What are the ESL English Proficiency Levels? What was last year’s English Proficiency Level for my child? Are there regular classroom teachers with ESL certification at Franklin and Randall? How long does it take a child to be proficient in English? How is my child doing compared to other Spanish speakers? My child is in monitor status, I know she is struggling with Math and Writing, will she receive help in those areas? Is my child’s teacher ESL certified? Can I opt out after I sign services agreement?
- Other Student Support Services – Parents asked to be reminded of other services their child is receiving. Reading Intervention, Math Intervention, Lexia, Lunch Bunch. Quick Review of those services.
- Meeting Topics. Parents were informed our November meeting will be on Franklin’s Zones of Regulation & Randall’s Behavior Plan. The New Report Cards will be the topic for our December meeting. Parents were asked to suggest topics for the remaining 3 meetings. Some of the topics included on their list were:
- Free After School Programs (sports & tutoring) With Transportation
- Personal, School, and Cyber Safety
- Students and Technology
- Physical Activities for Winter
- Ways to Bring Learning to the House
- Ways to Help Teacher With My Child’s Education
- Any Health & Wellness Topic
- How to Prepare Children for Adolescence
- Madison Public Library Programs
Last but not least, we looked at a picture and had a discussion on EQUALITY and EQUITY, and Parent Advocacy. Parents were reminded of the importance of being well informed before making decisions or giving opinions, of asking for information and being observant. Some of the traits of a good advocate were mentioned: Listens to and evaluates information, knows his/her rights, knows how the system works, asks many questions, finds help if needed, has independent judgement, is passionate, makes sure he/she understands what he/she is asking for, is assertive, listens and respects others, is persistent and patient.
What are the differences between the picture on the left and the right?
How would you describe the difference between equality and equity in
public education?